Energy Saving Fan Speed Controllers
With rising UK energy costs, it is very important to consider the cost of commercial kitchen energy.
Using ourselves as an example our deal ended in August, we were quoted 65p per kWh of electricity. We managed to get a deal at 52p per kWh. More than double what we were previously paying.
How can swapping a fan controller save money? Most fan motors are installed with lower cost speed controllers. Before the energy crisis these lower cost controllers were a good choice, but now there is a different calculation to make.
Its on that basis that we have calculated worst case savings by swapping to these energy efficient controllers. Of course careful usage will increase the savings. Take a look at each product for the nominal saving.
There are many variables in the calculation, such as total operating time, running days per week, duct-work restrictions and size of fan. Even with all of these parameters we sincerely believe there is no choice but to swap to energy efficient controllers, lights, heat recovery anything that you can do to cut costs.
Please call to see how we can easily cut costs for your business.