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Commercial Kitchen Extraction Fans

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Commercial Kitchen Extraction Fans

Commercial extractor fans , here's a description of each type of fan and there use,

Box Fans

  90 deg - motor out of air-stream - For high heat and high pressure and dirty applications

  Axial - motor in air-stream - For high pressure and dirty applications

Axial Fans

  Plate axial - for wall mounting ow pressure

  Cased axial - for mounting with spiral ducting low pressure

Turbo Fans Contra-rotating - for high pressure applications or constricted ductwork

Mixed flow Fans - high airflow medium pressure for clean applications



Fan TypeDescriptionApplications
Backward Curved Box Fan (Motor Out of Air-stream)Fan blades curve backward, motor located outside the airflow.Ideal for handling clean air, suitable for applications where the motor needs protection from the air-stream. Commonly used in high temperature, high throughput commercial kitchens
Backward Curved Box Fan (Motor in Air-stream)Fan blades curve backward, motor located within the airflow.Suitable for medium-temperature and contaminated air applications where motor cooling by the air-stream is beneficial. Used in high throughput and medium heat commercial kitchens
Axial FanMoves air along the axis of the fan, similar to a propeller.Best for low-pressure, high-volume airflow applications. Common in ventilation, cooling, and exhaust systems and fresh air replacement systems.
Turboprop FanCombines elements of axial and centrifugal fans.Suitable for applications needing a balance of high pressure and high volume. Used in cooling and drying processes.
Mixed Flow FanCombines characteristics of axial and centrifugal fans, providing a mixed flow of air.Ideal for medium pressure and medium volume applications. Used in ducted HVAC systems and where compact design is required.
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